Morten Often

Exploration Manager

Geologist. Worked with the Geological Survey of Norway for 33 years as mineral resource geologist; head of Mineral Resource Department; head of EthioNor, a 5-year Norwegian funded capacity building project with the Geological Survey of Ethiopia (GSE/EIGS); extensive cooperation projects in northwest Russia; and the Finnmark Mineral Resource Assessment Programme 1982-1992, a 10 year mineral resource mapping and assessment programme in northernmost Norway.
CEO for the exploration and mineral resource development company Store Norske Gull AS, as well as exploration manager for the coal mining company Store Norske Spitsbergen Kulkompani AS for 5 years. Following the drop in coal prices and tough financial situation in 2014, all exploration and resource mapping in Store Norske were terminated since January 2015, and heavy staff cuts implemented, including decommissioning of the exploration department. Store Norske Gull AS was sold in February 2015; Morten Often was responsible for the sales process.
Since December 2018 working with start-up company Ravel AS ( to develop innovative, environmentally friendly, paradigm shifting robot mining technology. Geological director.
Since December 2015 working on a gold development project in southwestern Ethiopia, consulting for Abyssinia Resources Development AS, now since early 2018, Akobo Minerals AB ( and its subsidiary ETNO Mining plc. Exploration Manager Akobo Minerals AB.